Monday, August 24, 2015

Jose Walter, Brazil - robbed?

Hey guys!! Hahahaha so apparently this week we had an attempted robbery. It´s funny though, so don´t freak out and keep reading. So we´re talking to this lady through her gate/door and she lives on a busy street so there´s a lot of cars and motorcycles driving by, right? So this motorcycle comes up right on the sidewalk next to us and we just think he lives here with the lady so we nonchalantly move aside for him to pass by us, only to realize he´s talking to us. I can´t understand a word he´s saying because he´s talking through his helmet and it´s a loud street so I have no clue but my companion responded, "não, não tenho" and then the guy just drives off lolol but afterwards I asked my companion what he said and apparently he asked us to give him our phone! Hahahah but like, it was so chill, for all I know he could have been asking for the time or asking for directions! hahahaha sometimes it pays off not being able to understand lol
Anyways, this week has been another good one! Except for lunches. But that's okay.
Well, we were supposed to have 2 baptisms yesterday and neither happened :( Our first is Liduino. He´s funny. He´s from Argentina but doesn´t speak Spanish, but he also doesn´t speak Portuguese! Jk he speaks Portuguese but literally, even my companion can barely understand him! We brought Gustavo to a lesson with him, and he told me, even for native Brazilians, he´s hard to understand! So I obviously don´t understand a word. Lolol jk I catch words here and there... But anyways, when we taught the word of the wisdom he said he didn´t have a problem with any of those things and then in his baptismal interview he said he drinks coffee! So we talked to him after church and he said he didn´t want to quit :( so we´ll be seeing him again tonight to see if he still wants to be baptized.The other is Fernando. (also last week I wrote Fernando when I meant Eduardo, whoops!) We´re still teaching him the lessons so he wasn´t baptized on Sunday, but we´re hoping he´ll be baptized this week! He´s an older guy, probably in his 50's, and has a desire to be baptized and he went to church on Sunday and enjoyed it!! Now, okay, Eduardo. We show up at his house at 8:15 Sunday morning and he´s all ready to go which was awesome! We tell him to stay put while we run and check on other investigators. 8:30 we stop by again and walk with him to church. During sacrament I was next to him and my companion was with Taina (18, investigator, so excited to be baptized, 1st time at church and she loved it!!) and then the Bishop´s son comes and tells me that he´s going to sit with Eduardo because Bishop wanted me to sit with my companion. So I was like, sure okay! Then when sacrament ends, Eduardo is gone! He left :( We didn´t get to stop by again last night but it´s the first thing we´re doing today after p day to see what happened. We really hope he didn´t feel bad because then he´ll never come back to church! And he´s such a great guy and has a great family that would just be blessed even more with the gospel in their lives!
This week I feel like I've really grown a lot. Every day I´ve been trying to give really meaningful prayers and always asking for His help to better myself, and wow does He answer prayers! Yáll won´t believe how much patience I have! HAha next is humility, right? But seriously, I´m growing so much in areas that I´ve always struggled with. I can see myself becoming more like Him, and it´s the greatest feeling ever! I can feel the Spirit more in my life and what feels better than the Spirit? Every Saturday we always teach about the Sabbath Day and about the sacrament, and taking the sacrament yesterday was so powerful. We had 4 investigators at church, and I truly took those few minutes to remember our brother, Jesus Christ. He truly came to earth for us. He suffered for us so that He could comfort us when we feel completely alone. He always knows exactly how we feel. I know He suffered and died for me, and I´m here in Brazil struggling to speak a language to repay Him for that. It will never be enough, but I´m trying every day to be someone He can trust to teach His brothers and sisters.

Eu sei que Deus e nosso Pai. Eu sei que Ele me ama, e Ele nos ama. Eu sei que Seu filho, Jesus Cristo sofreu por nos. Eu sei que Ele vive!!

EU AMO VOCÊS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- Sister Parks

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