WOW! Where to start!!
So far things have been great! My companion is Sister Kirkendall and she's from Las Vegas! She's so sweet and encouraging and kind and we're getting along great! She's also going to Brazil Fortaleza East, how crazy is that! Her sister who left today is going to Houston, actually!! I was so excited (even though it's Houston lol) In my district, it's us, another pair of sisters - Sister Smith and Sister Irezzayi (sp?) - and one elder Elder Meredith. We are so small! He had a companion at first but he grew up in a Portuguese neighborhood so he was moved up to a more advanced class. Our zone is awesome, they're all headed to Brazil as well. Our zone leaders are funny and awesome guys and our sister training leader Sister Magelby is the sweetest girl ever. She'll be leaving next week and I'm so sad!
As for my visa, Dad, I'm not supposed to say the word "visa" haha. Our branch president said to not think about it! But usually if you're about to leave within the week you get a reassignment (our district that left this week went to Mississippi, Oklahoma, etc). Most of them being from Utah or around went through the LA consulate which is slow. Everyone tells me I'll get mine before I go because I'm from Texas but I'm still waiting for FBI Clearance, right?
Anyways, as for how I'm doing, I'm doing pretty well! It's really hard, but I think I'm managing very well. I haven't been homesick at all which has been so nice. NOT THAT I DON'T LOVE Y'ALL! I DO! Every time I think of y'all (which is rare because we're so busy) I'm just happy and at peace because I know y'all are doing great and are being blessed while I'm away!
The language is so hard. This is the hardest thing I've ever had to do. All of my breakdowns have been from the language, not from being homesick or anything which I'm grateful for. We've been teaching this girl, Danielle, who is so sweet! The last lesson we gave on Saturday was without notes and I kinda messed up a little haha I said "the Book of Mormon is called of prophets" instead of "the Book of Mormon is the word of prophets" haha but she's sweet and does her best to understand. But that lesson was so awesome because we had her read the last 2 paragraphs of the Book of Mormon intro and she totally felt the Spirit, teared up, and said she liked what it said. And that's more important. My language will come and I'm trying not to be too hard on myself, but at times I've got to cry it out! Haha.
Yesterday actually, we were being taught a new lesson on This, That, and That (over there) and it was probably the hardest thing we've learned and during our bathroom break I just cried. So when I went back into the classroom with the sisters and our teacher (Irmao [Brother] Workman who THE BEST! We love him SO much! (not in that way of course!)) took me outside and asked "Tudo bem?" Which is like the Spanish version of Como esta? How are you doing? And I just broke down again, so we sat down in a room and he talked with me (IN ENGLISH! He never speaks English) and he was so great and helped me through it. He had me read Matthew 3:16-17 which is when Jesus is baptized and God says, "This is my Son with whom I am well pleased". And he asked me, "Que significa?" What does it mean? which helped me realize that He is always pleased with us. He doesn't expect us to be perfect. So that's what I'm telling myself as I start week 2 to not be so hard on myself, and that He will well pleased with me no matter what. Irmao Workman is the best!!!!!!!!! He served in Mozambique and he taught Kent!!! How crazy!
Sister Hannah Parks
2007 N 900 E Unit 191
Provo UT 84602
Mom - so jealous of the crepes you said you had! The food here is pretty good actually! Hope the sisters weekend was so fun!! So jealous you got to see Liam and Kelsey!
Dad - I was DYING when I read you and Kent taught a primary class hahahahaha those poor children!!
I also got a short and sweet email from Uncle Pat Parks!
All right, I'm going to write some people individually now but just know that I love you all SOOOOOOOOOOOOO much and I miss y'all!! Please pray for me that I'll be able to keep growing in the language! I pray for you guys too! Sometimes in Portuguese!
KEEP SENDING ME DEAR ELDER LETTERS!!! They are the best!!!! I get them every night and get to read them so they help me end my days happy!!
ALSO AHH LAUREN IS GOING TO GUATEMALA!!!!!! I'm so happy and excited for her!!!!!!!!!!
Sister Parks
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